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Adding a resource

I just finished the install and wanted to manage the resources. First I deleted 3 existing resources (one named hallo world). Than I wanted to add a new resource but I got an error message "Catchable fatal error: Object of class WP_Error could not be converted to string in /home/a4260954/public_html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/easyreservations/easyReservations_admin_resources.php on line 766"

Any idea what could happen? Need more info?

Marc Fleerakkers , 14.11.2011, 20:44
Response from the site administrator
easyreservation, 26.02.2012
should be fixed as of 1.2!
Idea status: completed


Atique, 06.01.2014, 21:39
Hi Rita,I am an American living in Paris. It would be in Paris. My deisre is to start with a boutique, and then propose design services. I worked for a designer in the Florida for seven years. What do you think?Craig
Carlie, 08.01.2014, 04:53
Haha, shouldn't you be charging for that kind of kne?ledgow!
Pankaj, 24.01.2014, 19:03
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