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Dinamic Room Parameter

It would be great to have the choice of edit the form room, for making only one form, and add it with something like [easy_form room="7"] and the hidden field ROOM takes that value.
So, for example, I can put it as a template tag with the post ID to include a form directly to a room/offer post.

Sefo , 05.03.2012, 13:25
Response from the site administrator
easyreservation, 10.03.2012
is added in 1.4 but i wont add it to the shortcode help, cause nobody will understand. only works if no [rooms] or [hidden room] is in form.
Idea status: completed


Velvet, 09.01.2014, 01:12
That's an inginletelt answer to a difficult question xxx
Margarita, 10.01.2014, 02:29
Inlnctigeele and simplicity - easy to understand how you think.

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